Wednesday, May 31, 2006


On the "we live in a great city with loads of opportunities, so let's take advantage of it" front - we had another show in our Goodman season ticket series Friday night. (We had a couple in April that we had to miss because of my work. Which was OK, because apparently the plays weren't very good anyway.)

The play was "The Clean House", and it was good - good acting, well-done sets and lighting (there was a skylight that transformed into a balcony as part of the set - unexpected, but well-done and effective), good story. The first act was stronger than the second, but all in all a well done show.


In other news, I'm going on Day 10 of this darn cold/cough thing. I'm really hoping it departs soon, because we have another 5K coming up on Sunday!

Hope you are all well - and avoiding this Springtime Flu that seems to be hitting everyone I know up here...


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