Saturday, December 10, 2005


It never ceases to amaze me how well this City deals with snow! Thursday - starting at evening rush hour - we started getting snow. (I've never been so happy to take the El home.) All in all, we got somewhere between six and nine inches in about nine hours (depending on where in the City you are).

Other than a plane skidding off a runway at Midway (and I'm not sure why they were trying to land), and long travel times home Thursday night, the only real effect of the snow was to make everything white and pretty. Apparently we're in for a more "traditional" Chicago winter than we've experienced so far - more snow, more cold, more everything. I got a new down coat - I'm ready for it!


Blogger Jessica said...

Unlike here, where it snowed and people forgot how to drive...

5:37 AM  
Blogger Carrie Lofty said...

We've noticed three things about Madison drivers, all of which has to do with big winters (and which they continue to do, out of habit, even when there is no snow):

1) they go the speed limit - to the point that my first month here was frustrating as hell. Now it's nice, like going for a Sunday drive.
2) they don't jump out of the gate when the light turns green. I mean, who wants to skid and fishtail? Take it slowly (and watch out for #3)
3) they run red lights like crazy - because who the hell can make a quick stop, or even a slowing-down stop, when another six inches of snow has fallen since breakfast?

And like Chicago, these people are wizards at snow removal. Unlike in Cincinnati where the whole bloody city shut down and went over budget last year...

1:57 PM  

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